Alexandra Herzog

I was born in Austria and discovered my Interest and Love for People and Cultures at an early age.
I trained in Education and worked in teaching positions around the world. Throughout my extensive travels my curiosity in people,
how they evolve, their stories
and their inner workings continued to grow.
While living in The Netherlands I discovered
the Human Design System.
This Personality Typing Tool clarified for me the Importance of Differentiating between Authenticity, Conditioning and Outside Influences.
In 2008 I settled in Australia where I continued my studies and explored in depth the workings of Humans and their Minds.
I hold a Graduate Certificate and a Masters in Psychotherapy in Australia. I am member of PACFA and GANZ, an Accredited Supervisor
and Recommended Gestalt Psychotherapist.
I am trained in Family Constellations, ACT, the Human Design System and a Qualified Yin Yoga Teacher.
I am the founder of Walk Therapy Australia and currently work from my home office and in private practice on James Street/ New Farm.
It is my passion to help my clients
find enthusiasm, meaning &
the best version of themselves.
To live empowered
with a sense of joy & purpose
and to carry that feeling
into their daily life.

I hold a Graduate Certificate and a Master Degree in Psychotherapy, am a Certified Supervisor, Recommended Gestalt Therapist, Family Constellation Facilitator, am trained in ACT, TRE
and a qualified YIN YOGA instructor.
I have studied and practiced many other modalities
such as The Human Design System over the years.
I incorporate all of these in my work with my clients
and students.
In Noosa/ QLD I founded Walk Therapy Australia.
My inspiration was to merge traditional Psychotherapy and the health benefits of nature.
These Out Of Office Sessions are also available in Brisbane.
These days it is my passion to help my clients find
what it means to be authentic, to live empowered
and to feel alive!
I work Online and from my Private Office in New Farm/ Brisbane. I see people from all walks of life.
Private Clients, Student Therapists and Professionals in the Human Services Industry alike come for Therapy Sessions and Required Supervision.
I strive for excellence in all my undertakings
and follow my purpose to Support, Educate
and Motivate Clients to live an Authentic and Inspired Life.
No one is You and That is Your Power!
Recommended Gestalt Therapist
Graduate Certificate Gestalt Therapy
Master of Gestalt Therapy
Professional Supervisor
Psychotherapy Teacher
ACT and TRE Trained
Certified Family Constellation Facilitator
Qualified Yin Yoga Teacher
Member of GANZ and PACFA

Live Your Life Authentically
And To Your Fullest Potential.
No One Is You And That Is Your Power.
When you go out into the woods,
and you look at trees,
you see all these different trees.
And some of them are bent,
and some of them are straight,
and some of them are evergreens,
and some of them are whatever.
And you look at the tree and you allow it.
You see why it is the way it is.
You sort of understand
that it didn’t get enough light,
and so it turned that way.
And you don’t get all emotional about it.
You just allow it.
You appreciate the tree.
The minute you get near humans,
you lose all that.
And you are constantly saying
‘You are too this, or I’m too this.’
That judgment mind comes in.
And so I practice turning people into trees.
Which means appreciating them
just the way they are.
- Ram Dass